3 tips to wow with the crowd with trade show displays

Are you planning on attending a trade show to pitch your new products? If you are, you might want to consider a trade show display to build a lasting impression to your audience.  Trade show displays are effective, not only in introducing your products to target audience but also to convey your message. I’m sure it wouldn’t surprise you if I’d said that businesses have a very limited amount of time to capture the attention of their target audience.

So what makes an exhibit well designed? Here are 3 tips you may want to consider:

Who you are as a business? Prior to attending a trade show, you should consider who you are as a business. You may want to determine core values that help differentiate you from the competition. Additionally, if your business has a brand, your trade show display should reflect it. Color schemes, font choices, graphics, images, and logos should all remain consistent with your brand. These attributes should be clear in the graphics used for your trade show display. Remember, less can be more.

What product or service are you offering? This should be completely clear. At a distance, someone should be able to understand exactly what it is you’re selling.  Lighting can play a big part in focusing attention to a particular feature or element of your product. The use of spotlights, accent lights, or backlighting to silhouette the display can really add that “wow” factor. Another thing you might want to consider is making your display interactive. People love being able to test out a product before committing to a purchase.

How you can help the prospective client? This is one of the most important questions to ask before considering a trade show. If the potential customer doesn’t find value in what you’re offering no amount of marketing will help. It’s not enough to just tell a client you offer an exceptional product, give them examples of how and why you can help them. If possible, cite statistics or testimonials. This will add a personal element to your trade show pitch.

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