Choosing the Right Font

How to Choose the Right FontFor Your Sign

Having a custom sign is an important element of a business. It can reflect what type of products you carry, as well as the overall feeling someone may get when they walk into your office.   This said, custom fonts should be carefully chosen. In doing so, you have the opportunity to make an immediate impact with your audience. To choose the winning font, you can consider some ideas:

Break away from the fonts used in traditional signs. Since they can be common, your target audience might not engage with your campaign.  You may want to consider something trendy that peaks the interest of your target audience. What does it mean? Use fonts that come with extra characters. The most viable media instead of choosing traditional fonts include posters, catalogues, brochures and many more.

Consider font psychology. Keep in mind that there are some fonts that move automatically to the heart of the audience. For example, cursive fonts tend to be very formal while Sans Serif fonts tend to be more contemporary and suited for modern design.

Experiment. Play with the text to come up with your own font. No one ever said that you have to “color inside the lines.” If you want, you can also produce images by incorporating graphics. There’s nothing wrong with even adjusting the spacing to achieve that custom feel.

Choose the right size. It’s no secret; the size of the font is something that can have a great effect.  Smaller posters have a disadvantage when it comes to visibility issues. Large ones may be costly.  Since the size of a font also depends on the style you’re going for, you could experiment until such time that you achieve the right size for your sign. Just remember, it’s a lot easier to do this on the computer before taking it to print!

Stay true to your brand. This is probably the most important element of choosing a font. If you already have a specific font and color scheme your brand is using, stay with it! Unless you’re considering a re-brand you should consider consistency. People identify with the familiar, your font is no exception.

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