The Best Marketing is Mobile

Photo of a wrapped bus

There’s no doubt that vehicle wraps command a great deal of attention. A well-designed wrap, like the one above, has the potential to turn an ordinary bus (or car, truck, van) into a powerful advertising medium. As Fort Collins residents and industry experts, we can attest to the fact that vehicle wraps certainly offer the best bang for your buck when it comes to marketing your business, product, event or service.

If you’re looking for the most versatile, cost-effective option to fit within your advertising budget, vehicle wraps have been proven to have the highest return on investment of any form of advertising. Unlike other media options such as radio, billboards, TV advertising or direct mailers, vehicle wraps never take a day off. Your clear, bold design works for you 24/7, 365 days a year for at least five years. Especially in a town like Fort Collins, you have the opportunity to turn every traffic jam and train disturbance into a marketing opportunity! Just one wrap can generate up to 80,000 impressions per day. Can you say the same for your radio advertisements?

Here are a few quick stats to get you thinking about the power of mobile marketing:

  • 91% notice advertising on trucks, 35% actually study these advertisements closely. (Source: American Trucking Association)
  • 29% of viewers would base a buying decision on truckside advertising. (Source: American Trucking Association)
  • 56% of people say they perceive the company to be a successful one when they see truckside advertising. (Source: OAAA and Media Life “Delivering Brand by the Truck Loads”)
  • Multiple studies have shown an increase in awareness from using truckside advertising with an existing ad campaign.

Though a vehicle wrap, especially a full wrap for a van or bus, might be a bigger investment up-front, most vehicle wraps are built to last. At Action Signs, our certified 3M Warranty covers our vehicle wraps for up to five years. Therefore, consider these numbers:

  • Average vehicle wrap initial investment of $3,000
  • $600 per year
  • $50 per month
  • $12 per week
  • $2 per day

When you add a little perspective, it’s clear to see that vehicle wraps are a worthy business investment. Locally, a half page ad in a high-traffic magazine can be close to $1200 for just one issue!

Unlike static advertising mediums such as billboards and newspaper ads, your vehicle wrap can be placed anywhere around town, reaching commuters on the road, cyclists and pedestrians on the sidewalk. There are little to no demographic boundaries when it comes to vehicle wraps, giving you the opportunity to reach an audience you might not have considered with traditional advertising.

Source: Outdoor Advertising Association of America
Source: Outdoor Advertising Association of America

The best part about vehicle wraps is that they can constantly be changing. Due to the high-quality materials used at Action Signs, it’s fairly simple for us to remove a graphic at the end of a specific promotion and re-wrap the vehicle with something new. If you’re ready to take advantage of mobile marketing, call us for more information & a consultation with our awesome team.

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